Section 1 Mission Statement Objectives
Section 2 Definitions
Section 3 Organizational Structure Board of Directors
Section 4 Admissions
Section 5 Rental Rates
Section 6 Living Environment
Section 7 General Policies:
Indemnification of Board and Volunteers
Confidentiality Policy and Agreement Form
Conflict of Interest Policy and Declaration Forms
Abuse Prevention Policy and Forms
Pet Policy and Agreement Form
Scooter/Motorized Wheelchair and Form
No Smoking Policy and Lease Addendum Agreement
Tenant Environment Guidelines Policy
Common Room Rental Agreement Form
Section 8 Personnel Policies
Sick Leave
Compassionate Leave
Violence Prevention
Harassment Prevention
Retirement Recognition
Section 9 Appointment of Accounting Firm
Policy and Procedure Manual
Winkler Heritage Village Inc. is a non-profit organization providing low cost,
enriched, independent living, multiple housing for persons of the age of 55 plus.
1. HUMAN RESOURCES – To develop and maintain a positive relationship
between the Board of Directors, the WHV tenants, the management, the staff
and the community.
2. FINANCES – To conduct the financial affairs in accordance with the
Canadian accounting standards for not for profit organizations.
3. TENANTS – To develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to a
meaningful and independent lifestyle.
4. PHYSICAL PLANT – To develop and maintain a physical plant that will meet
our objectives.
5. FUTURE EXPANSION – To consider the needs of the community in the
planning and developing of existing and future facilities.
BOARD - the Board of Directors of the Winkler Heritage Village Inc.
CHAIR AND/OR BOARD CHAIR - elected by the Board of Directors of WHV.
SSGL - Support for Seniors in Group Living.
WHV - Winkler Heritage Village Inc., whenever used in this document or other
related documents of the Winkler Heritage Village Inc.
WHV BUILDINGS - Heritage Manor, Heritage Apartments (Hi Rise), Lions Manor
and Lions Court and any other garages or buildings and property owned by
MEMBERSHIP consists of Tenants of the WHV buildings.
All tenants at WHV meetings have voting rights and are eligible to be elected to
the Board.
1. The term of office for a Board Member shall be three years and the
member may be re-elected for a maximum of three terms for a total of nine
years. After a nine-year term and absent from the Board for one year, such a
person is eligible for re-election. The nine year maximum term came into effect
in 1998.
2. A one year extension for a Board Member, who has completed three 3-
year terms, be allowed, with the opportunity for a further extension following
review at the completion of that first one year extension, and that the extension(s)
be approved unanimously by the Board.
THE BOARD shall consist of five to seven persons. A Board of five people
should include one tenant rep. A Board of six to seven persons could include up
to two tenant reps that shall be elected at an Annual Meeting of the Membership.
After the Annual Membership Meeting, the Board shall hold a Reorganizational
Meeting to elect a Chair, Vice Chair, and a Secretary and such other committees
as may be deemed necessary from time to time.
- Members are expected to attend all board meetings.
- Members should keep themselves informed of WHV matters.
- Members should inform manager or Board Chair if unable to attend meetings.
- If a member misses three consecutive meetings, the WHV Board has the option
to ask for the member’s resignation.
BOARD MEETINGS shall be determined by the Board, but not less than six
times per year, at a time and place agreeable to the Board.
ANNUAL MEETING is open to the public, but only tenants have voting rights.
MINUTES of the WHV Board meetings shall be signed by two Board Members.
THE AGENDA of the Board of Directors meetings shall be the responsibility of
the Chair, but should be drawn up in consultation with the Manager. Regular
items on the agenda should include adoption of minutes of prior meeting(s),
business arising out of minutes, YTD monthly financial statement, occupancy
report, other reports if any, other business and adjournment with a date set for
the next meeting of the Board. Agenda, minutes of previous meeting, financial
statements and any report submitted for adoption shall be mailed or delivered to
each director, prior to each regular meeting.
When questions arise as to the procedure at Board or Membership meetings, the
use of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall prevail.
STANDING COMMITTEES shall be appointed if needed, as follows:
1. An Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair and the
2. A Personnel Committee appointed from within the Board.
3. A Nominating Committee consisting of 3 Board Members being appointed
from within the Board.
4. A Maintenance Committee consisting of 2 Board Members being appointed
from within the Board.
STAFF that is remunerated for their work shall consist of the following:
1. A Manager Administrator who shall be responsible to the Board. Job
description attached as Schedule “A”.
2. A Maintenance person or persons as deemed necessary who shall be
responsible to the Manager. Job description attached as Schedule “B”. In
the absence of the Manager, the Maintenance person shall assume the
essential duties necessary to continue operation of WHV.
3. Janitorial/Custodial person or persons as deemed necessary who shall be
responsible to the Manager. Job description attached as Schedule “C”.
4. Meal Program Staff with job description as per contract, that shall be
responsible to the Manager.
5. Support for Seniors in Group Living Staff (SSGL) with job descriptions as
per contract, which shall be responsible to the Manager.
The Board is responsible to the membership of WHV.
The Manager/Administrator is responsible to the Board.
The Staff (maintenance, janitorial, meal program, programming, and
volunteers) are responsible to the Manager.
SIGNING AUTHORITY for cheques and other documents related to WHV, is
vested in the Manager, Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, or any other Board Member
assigned by the Board, or any two of the said persons. The Manager shall be
one of the two signing cheques on behalf of WHV, unless an emergency requires
EXPENDITURES made on behalf of WHV are authorized as follows:
The Manager is hereby authorized to pay monthly accounts on behalf of
WHV for such items as hydro, telephone, water and sewer, salaries
previously set by the Board, and miscellaneous maintenance expenses,
without the prior approval of the Board, for payment of these expenditures.
All other expenditures shall receive the approval of the Board, at a regular or
special meeting of the Board, before any expenditure is made on behalf of
A Board Member shall review, approve and sign bank reconciliations, online
transfers and payments on a monthly basis.
1. Applications for housing in the WHV facilities are accepted by the Manager or
such other designated person(s). Applications are filed and processed in the
order that they are received.
2. Applicants for Lions Court shall be required to deposit the sum of $1,000.00
with WHV, which will be applied to their life lease requirement in order to be
considered for an apartment. The deposit is returned to the applicant if the
application is cancelled or withdrawn. Payment of the life lease amount is
required on admission and repaid within 6 months upon vacating the
3. All applications will remain on file until such time as a unit becomes available
or the applicant withdraws the application. The files are reviewed periodically
to ensure that they are still current.
4. There shall be no bias in selection with relation to color, race, religion or
geographic location of applicants. However, the WHV Inc. board has the
authority to give preference to local residents.
5. Applicants should be 55 years of age or older and able to be self sufficient in
order to maintain an independent lifestyle. Applicants under the age of 55
shall be considered at the discretion of the Board.
6. References or a doctor’s certificate may be requested to verify applicants’
7. Tenants requesting relocation to a different suite available shall pay a fee to
WHV for this relocation. If a relocation is requested by the Manager, no fee
shall apply.
8. Tenants must agree to help facilitate an atmosphere of harmony, care and
concern for one another in residence in the WHV premises as per Living
Environment Guidelines Policy No. 106.
9. Applicants shall be required to deposit a “Damage Deposit” with WHV prior to
moving into a WHV premise and shall be the amount of one half (50%) of the
monthly rental charge. Damage deposit will be refunded on the basis of the
need to repair or clean apartment after vacating. The Manager will determine
the amount of the refund, if any.
10. Upon termination the tenants shall clean the apartment prior to vacating and
leave it in a condition as near as possible to the condition it was in when they
took occupancy.
11. Outdoor parking with winter electrical outlets are available.
12. All tenants are required to procure liability insurance at time of occupancy.
1. The WHV Board reviews and sets the rental rates for the Lions Manor, Lions
Court, Heritage Manor and Heritage Apartments.
2. Parking and garage rental rates shall be set by the Board. The nine stall
indoor garage owned by WHV, shall firstly be available to tenants of Lions
Court in order of application and secondly to other tenants if available.
Outdoor stalls are to be assigned by the Manager.
3. Multipurpose room rental rates in WHV buildings shall be set by the Board.
No rent shall apply to group activities of tenants. The Manager shall regulate
the use thereof.
1. Living Environment Guidelines Policy No. 106 outlines basic guidelines for all
tenants and a copy is provided to each tenant upon moving in.
2. The buildings operated by WHV are declared “Smoke Free” and smoking is
strictly prohibited in all buildings. Tenants or their visitors who smoke within
the building may be asked to leave or vacate their premises.
(Reference No Smoking Policy No. 105)
3. Tenants may upgrade their appliances on the basis that the tenant pay 50%
and WHV pay 50% of the cost with the old appliance to be sold or traded for
the new appliance. Replacement shall also be subject to funds being
available. The new appliance shall become the property of WHV.
4. Flooring Replacement –
Tenants wishing to upgrade may do so at their expense with WHV
participating on a prorated basis for the cost of the upgrade. Once installed,
the upgrade becomes the property of the WHV with no claim available to the
tenant. The upgrade is subject to the approval of the Manager.
Replacement shall also be subject to the funds being available to WHV at the
time of request and at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Maximum
contribution by WHV will be 50% and at the discretion of Management.
5. The Board has authorized the Winkler Police Department to enforce traffic
regulations on all WHV properties.
6. The Fire Department may inspect and initiate fire drills in all WHV buildings
with the cooperation of management.
SUITE INSPECTIONS – The Manager and/or Maintenance person shall inspect
each WHV suite or apartment no less than once every two years.
1. Indemnification of Board and Volunteers
Winkler Heritage Village Inc., indemnifies the Directors and Officers and
Volunteers of WHV for acts which are not intentional, wanton, or grossly
negligent in the carrying out of their duties on behalf of WHV.
2. Insurance
WHV undertakes to purchase the insurance necessary as it pertains to
buildings, contents, liability, and loss of revenue owned and/or operated on
behalf of WHV.
3. Confidentiality Policy and Agreement Form
Board of Directors and Employees are required to sign a Confidentially
Agreement in accordance with the Confidentiality Policy No. 100 and
Confidentiality Agreement Form No. 100A (attached).
4. Conflict of Interest Policy and Declaration Forms
a) A copy of the Conflict of Interest Policy No. 101 will be provided to each
Board of Directors member at the time of appointment to the Board; and to
each employee at the time of being hired.
b) Board Members are required to declare any Conflicts of Interest at the
time of appointment to the Board on Board Member Conflict of Interest
Declaration Agreement Form No.101B attached to the Policy.
c) Employees are required to declare any Conflicts of Interest at the time of
employment on the Employee Conflict of Interest Declaration Agreement
Form No. 101A attached to the Policy.
d) Any decisions of the Board, which may be construed as a Conflict of
Interest for any member of the Board shall be declared by such member and
that member shall absent himself from that portion of the meeting and not
vote on that item and the Conflict of Interest will be recorded on Conflict of
Interest Declaration Form No. 101C.
5. Abuse Prevention Policy
The purpose of the Abuse Prevention Policy is to ensure tenant safety from
all forms of abuse by establishing a mechanism for receiving reports of
alleged abuse against a tenant from staff, volunteers, other tenants, family
and/or the visiting public. All Board Members and Employees shall be
apprised of the Abuse Prevention Policy No. 102 and Reporting Form No.
6. Pet Policy
The purpose is to allow family, friends and visitors of tenants to bring pets
into Winkler Heritage Buildings for visitation purposes only, following the
completion of the Pet Policy Agreement Form No. 103 and signed by the pet
owner prior to bringing any pet into the building(s).
7. Scooter/Motorized Wheelchair Policy (approved November, 2010)
Driving and using a scooter or motorized wheelchair in WHV buildings is a
privilege and not a right. A copy of the Scooter/Motorized Wheelchair Policy
will be provided to family members of residents with scooters outlining the
terms and requires a signature indicating agreement to the terms on Form
8. No Smoking Policy and Lease Addendum Agreement
Winkler Heritage Village is committed to providing an environment that is free
from the effects of smoking for the tenants and staff. See No Smoking Policy
No. 105 and Lease Addendum Agreement Form No. 105A.
9. Tenant Environment Guidelines Policy
Winkler Heritage Village is committed to providing a positive living
environment for all tenants and therefore a copy of the Tenant Environment
Guidelines Policy No. 106 is provided to each tenant upon admission to
10. Common Room Rental Agreement
Winkler Heritage Village will require completion of the Common Room Rental
Agreement for all rentals in Lions Manor, Heritage Apartments and Heritage
Manor see Form No. 109.
Section 8:
1. New employees are required to provide a Criminal Record Check.
2. Vacation Policy
Vacation leave for all full time and part time employees shall be in
accordance with the Vacation with Pay Act, of the Province of Manitoba.
Employees are required to use their holiday time within the fiscal year. All
staff vacation leave shall be approved by the Manager. Once vacation time
has been used up, any additional time taken will be an unpaid leave of
absence and taken at the discretion of the Board.
3. Sick Leave Policy
Purpose: This policy will ensure employees are aware of their sick leave
benefits and the process for documenting absenteeism.
Policy Statement: Sick leave is to be used by employees who are ill. Sick
leave accumulates at 2 days per month for full time employees and prorated
for part time employees in accordance with hours worked to a maximum of
60 days. Upon termination of employment, all sick leave days shall be null
and void with no redeemable value.
Scope: This policy covers all positions within Winkler Heritage Village.
a) Notification of sick leave: Employee must notify the Manager of inability
to work.
b) Employee must provide a medical practitioner signed proof of illness
notification for absences longer than 3 working days.
c) Employees are allowed up to 2 hours for a personal medical
appointment. Appointments requiring a longer period of time to be at the
discretion of the manager.
4. Compassionate Leave Policy
Compassionate Leave will be granted to all employees in the event of death
as follows:
a) A maximum of five days leave in the case of the death of a spouse, a
child or the parent of the employee affected.
b) Two days leave in the death of a brother, sister, brother-in-law, or
sister-in-law of an employee.
c) Two days leave in the death of parents-in-law of employee.
d) One day paid leave in the death of a grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the
employee or his/her spouse.
e) Extra days off will be considered on an individual basis.
f) Compassionate leave days cannot be banked.
5. Violence Prevention Policy
Winkler Heritage Village is committed to providing a safe environment for all
staff and recognizes the potential for violence or threats against staff. The
Violence Prevention Policy No. 107 has been developed to provide
guidelines with respect to violence prevention.
6. Harassment Prevention Policy
Winkler Heritage Village is committed to providing a safe and respectful work
environment for all staff and tenants. No one may be harassed and no one
has the right to harass anyone else, at work or in any situation related to
employment with Winkler Heritage Village. The Harassment Prevention
Policy No. 108 has been developed to address any potential harassment
7. Retirement Recognition
Upon completion of employment/retirement, full time employees shall be
recognized with a monetary gift of $100.00 per year; part time employees
shall be recognized with a monetary gift of $50.00 per year, in accordance
with their years of service.
Appointment of Accounting Firm
An accounting firm shall be appointed by the Board annually, to audit or review
financial transactions of WHV for the fiscal year. This Financial Statements shall
be completed prior to the annual membership meeting and presented to the
membership at this annual meeting.
Policy and Procedure Manual
Review of the Policy and Procedure Manual shall be initiated by the Manager
periodically, by bringing it to the attention of the Board, but not less than once
every two years.
Amendments to this document may be made at any regular meeting of the Board
of Directors by five of the seven members of the board voting in favor of the amendment(s).